Good oral hygiene is essential for your little one’s oral and overall health. Brushing and flossing help keep your child’s teeth from getting cavities, and help prevent periodontal disease, tooth loss, and aesthetic problems by removing harmful bacteria from the mouth. If this bacteria remains on and around the tooth, it can lead to decay and inflammation of the gum tissue, which can erode the support for the teeth.
Regular Visits to FSPD
Regular cleanings and checkups at our Chapel Hill pediatric dental office allow us to catch problems when they are small and minimize treatment needs or potentially avoid treatment all together. Many tooth problems are symptomatic, so having regular visits help us to diagnose them before they become symptomatic. Typically, by the time a problem in the mouth is symptomatic, it is a fairly large problem.
We recommend professional teeth cleaning, fluoride varnish treatment, and a full mouth exam every six months. Periodic X-rays are also helpful for us to help see things between the teeth or in the jaw that are not otherwise visible with a clinical exam. Sealants also protect the grooves and chewing surfaces of permanent molars.
Your Child’s Diet
Diets high in vegetables and fruits are healthy for the mouth. The calcium found in dairy and other foods is essential to help build strong teeth. Staying away from sugary food and drinks is essential for good oral health. Many processed foods and high carbohydrate foods can contribute to tooth decay. Fruit snacks or gummies are particularly harmful to teeth, since they stick to the nooks and crannies in between your child’s teeth.
Good Home Hygiene
We recommend that your child brush at least twice a day or after every meal, and floss at least once a day. A fluoride rinse after brushing and before bed can also help prevent tooth decay. Be sure to ask about our special offers on prescription toothpaste and electric toothbrushes to make an even bigger difference in your child’s oral healthcare at home.
At each hygiene visit to our Chapel Hill pediatric dental office, we go over where your child needs to focus on brushing and flossing better, as well as reviewing techniques to help them brush and floss more efficiently. Our goal is to help your child have strong, healthy teeth, for happy smiles now and in the future.